Whenever a person wishes to secure a loan, from a formal financial institution like banks, the first thing any bank officer asks is to check the credit score. A credit score is an important aspect of securing any loan or even a simple credit card application. A lower score tends to have an immensely negative impact on any application. A low score tends to get the application rejected. In case of a low credit score, applicants often tend to hire third parties to improve credit score.
What does improving credit score mean?
Credit score refers to a process of correcting or rectifying a low score by filing for a credit deficit repair agency. Usually, normal consumers do not have the required knowledge or the time to file disputes in their credit connection. Hence, they hire credit repair agencies to fix their credit score for them, however before hiring any credit repair service, one must do thorough research and background check to verify the authenticity of the agency they’re hiring.
Possible issues that can occur with a credit score.
There can be several issues that may cause errors in any credit score report, however the two most common causes are one of either Incorrect information stored in one’s credit history and credit report. Or one could have defaulted on repayments of existing or previous loans. There are also various other reasons a credit score may be below average and insufficient. Some of the reasons are as follows:
- Loaners also often tend to get into disputes with lender and this reflects on the credit score and shows that a loaner is not cooperative
- Lack of receipt of a card statement often led to credit card holders missing payments and this define the carelessness of a consumer.
- Sometimes lenders tend to get into disputes loaners when they suspect fraud. This is self-explanatory. No bank would lend out a loan to someone, they consider a fraud.
Due to above reasons and more, anyone can engage a credit repair service.
Things to remember while hiring a credit repair agency:
There are certain things to remember anyone must keep in mind while hiring a credit repair agency. They are as follows
- A credit repair agency is not authorised to edit the any credit report by themselves. They cannot add or remove any existing information. They only tell ways a person can do so themselves.
- Usually, a dispute resolution service is available for free of cost on government and most private websites any company that asks for a fee, is trying to scam a person
- Any modification to a credit report must be authorised by a bank or any equivalent financial institution.
- Even if one was to apply for credit repair service through an agency, to protect the privacy, the final credit report is delivered only to the consumer either via email address or post, on the address that the owner has registered. The information in the report is extremely confidential and is not shared with others.
These were some of the reasons why people, across the world hire a credit repair agency and how they work. Everyone wants to maintain a good credit score to be eligible for loans in future and not only that a good credit score can help people avail significant discounts while making any major purchases such as buying a car or a house. There are numerous agencies across the world, that provide credit repair service and help desperate people looking to make the best out of their financial situation. However, on the other hand there are also numerous agencies that lure in innocent people looking for help and scam them. Anyone, before engaging these repair services must do a thorough research and background check of the company to avoid such frauds.